Friday, July 30, 2010

maybe this could work...

Today I was reading the wonderful Heather B. Armstrong's blog, Dooce, and entertained the thought of becoming a professional blogger. Although this would mean that I would actually have to put much more effort into writing, write about stuff that people other than myself and my one reader (thanks Char!) care about, and well I can't think of a third thing. This also means that I will have to recruit more than one follower...does this mean that I will have to post my blog on Facebook? Because, honestly, I don't think I could do that...I mean, I'm not writing about anything important. Maybe if I was reviewing something or something...bah. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

ETA: I am totally going to buy this book: No One cares What you Had For Lunch: 100 Ideas For your Blog, by Margaret Mason...maybe it will help.


  1. Hey, you could review my album "Seasons"! That's a start ;-)

  2. I've never reviewed music before, but I'll give it a shot!
