Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I know we're ahead of the game but...

So, we...well Stinks has picked our second son's name. I know you're thinking, 'but D, you don't even have a baby let alone know that you are going to have 2 boys!' And all I can say is that we like to be prepared. For those of you that don't know, firstborn son is Broady Brewer- my mom's maiden name and Stinks' middle and firstborn daughter is Kaya Elizabeth- after a Bob Marley song and my grandmother's middle name. So second son will be...Xavier. No middle name as of yet, but Thomas, Irvine and Bravery are in the running. I especially love Bravery...Xavier Bravery Smith. I think it has a nice ring to it.


  1. Stinks said no to Bravery...he thinks it a dumb celeb name. He's super hating on celebs right now...so I guess b#2 will be Xavier Thomas.

  2. Bravery??? No!!! Please, no. Thank you Adam!
