Friday, August 6, 2010

Weddingbee...for me?

Today Weddingbee, this totally cute wedding blog and boards, released their newest generation of characters for prospective bees and I am IN LOVE! The theme for this generation is Jungle animals and one of the characters is...wait for it...a SLOTH!!! If you know me at all, you know that I am every bit a sloth! Its not the best quality to have, but I've come to accept it. Another character that would fit me perfectly is the zebra, you know, because of the whole black and white thing...get it? So anyway, I'm thinking about applying to be a wedding blogger on their site. The only problem is I need to start blogging about my wedding! One of their requirements is that prospective bees are blogging about their wedding process and I have not been at all! Its hard because pretty much everything at my wedding is out of my hands! The only things that we got to pick were the photographer, my dress and we swapped out goat for steak on our dinner menu. (You're welcome!) I also plan on making my own centerpieces, but that is hardly anything worth blogging about. Ugh. I guess I can post blog about some of our wedding process and try to submit those. What do my 2 readers think?

1 comment:

  1. You should definitely become a wedding blogger! Those things that you can blog about can be stretched out yanno! I find ways to do that. Just write them in pieces. If you plan on making your centerpieces, blog about a "dry run". Take pics and write little captions.

    I'm planning to make my own bouquet and centerpieces and I'm planning on blogging about the process. I am DIYing up the yang yang though...for a budget wedding, it's a must!
